The Digital PR Podcast #12 Journalists with Katie-Ann Gupwell

If you’ve ever found yourself on PR/journalist Twitter, it seems like not a day goes by where there isn’t one calling out the other. Whether it’s a dodgy press release, rude response email or someone claiming to dislike the use of exclamation marks (yes, really!) it can often feel like journalists and PRs are constantly sparring with each other. However, with the rate at which the media landscape evolves these days, they need each other more than ever.

Lou and Steve wanted to settle the waters and get a journalist’s perspective. What makes them link to a campaign? Do they really want to go for a coffee with you or tell you how their holiday was? Are they as worried about AI taking over as people PR-side are? For our final episode of Season 2, Lou and Steve catch up with Trinity Mirror’s Katie-Ann Gupwell, to get all the insider info on journalist/PR relationships, how we can optimise our working dynamics, and what a day in the life of a journalist actually looks like.

We’d like to say a huge thank you you to all of our Season 2 listeners, and to our sponsors, CoverageBook. We’ll be back in your ears soon!