Paid Media

We’ll help you outsmart, not outspend, your competitors

The next-gen in paid media? It starts here. Using innovative tools and cutting-edge behavioural analysis, our pioneering strategy helps ambitious brands make the greatest possible impact.

The Process

The remarkable brands we work with are unique, and each individual within their audience even more so. That’s why our strategic paid media starts with deep understanding – of your brand, your brief and your consumers.

Using first-party and profiling data, our paid media experts track down important audience signals and code them, to draw out behaviour, perception and media consumption insights.

Powerful tools help you target new opportunities within your competitive space, identifying and owning gaps for you to dominate.

Our strategy is fed by insights pulled. We lean into behavioural psychology. And we build the optimum media channel mix that best meets your objectives and targets.

Our Paid Media Services

Paid search & shopping

Our strategies send the right people to your site, whether that's via Search, Social or marketplaces. Our Google Premier Partner status means we have exclusive access to Google's betas ahead of other agencies.


We'll help you close the loop throughout the customer journey across multiple platforms, helping you drive strong, incremental gains.

Paid social

Get start to finish activation of your social campaigns. Make the most of your creatives. Expand your market share. We've got our finger on the pulse of this ever-changing world.


We'll plan and manage your display opportunities. We keep this space accountable, visible, measurable and brand safe - in only premium placements.


We use search to power our video delivery, from TV screens, to mobile and laptop.

Broader channels

We drive brand discovery via upper funnel channels including OOH (out of home), TV, radio and podcasts. Our world-class tools and leading data insights enable us to buy and target audiences efficiently, in the places they hang out.

"Propellernet have impressed from their very first pitch. They have taken the time to fully understand our business, our tours, our customers and our goals and this knowledge has been engrained in everything they do."

Andrew Steward, Explore Worldwide

What we bring

We're your very own competitive edge

We are one of just 15 Google Pathfinder agencies in the UK, based on how we adopt new products and develop best practices.

Skillful strategy that gets you results

With us in your corner, you'll get a unique and responsive paid media strategy that aligns with your unique brand vision.

Constant learning and improvement

We're always measuring. We monitor what's working and fix what doesn't, to ensure you're always getting the best returns.

Our Partners
